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The e235 additive is extracted microbiologically by fermenting it from cultures of streptomycetes mold fungi. The resulting active substance is concentrated, subjected to crystallization, then dried and, usually in a ratio of 1/1, mixed with lactose, which plays the role of a neutral carrier. The most basic property is antifungal and preservative, so it is used as a preservative in various industries. The preservative extends the shelf life of the finished product or raw material.

Along with the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry consumes a significant amount of the produced preservative E235. The main areas of application of the additive: surface treatment and spraying of whole and sliced cheeses; surface treatment of fish and meat products; adding to dairy products (yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream); adding to fruit pulp and fruit juices; use in the preparation of canned dairy products, fish raw materials, caviar, minced meat, fish pastes.



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